Thursday, August 18, 2011

Liberty Belle

This sweet little girl is all good! Thank the Lord!
We had a nice visit with the vet regarding a large lump on her stomach region. 
It has been tested and she is cancer free!
What a releif!

I want a lot more time with her to do the fun things that we do...
playing dress up

walking on the beach

forcing her to pose for pictures

and lots more pool parties!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Passion for Politics: Canada Style!

I know that this is a risky topic, but this blog is for me to talk about what's on my mind. 
As I mentioned before, I am passionate about politics...a regular news junkie one might say. 
I believe strongly in being informed and I do what I need to do to keep informed. 
(not too hard since, unfortunately, I'm a SAHW)

My deepest shame is that I am a former "99er".  Laid off one day before our 1 year anniversary...oh, the memories...(<--- insert sarcasm, haha!). 
Obviously, my story is unique and I may or may not share it here.

Anyhoo, given my personal story/situation, I think it's made me more aware of what's happening.
And for the last three days our President has been on a bus tour...
2 customized buses that cost $2.2 million (fine-ish)...(I won't get into why it's only "fine-ish" to me) 
Ok, fine. Yes I will.  This is a campaign bus tour, whether the administration is calling it that or not.  It should be funded by his astronomical war chest meant for campaign purchases NOT taxpayer money.
But, the White House is calling it an official business trip so....there you have it.
The American people are paying for this trip..

I want our President to be safe, of course! No doubt about it!
But he put $2.2 million into the CANADIAN economy instead of OUR economy! 
He bought buses from CANADA!  WTF?!
Why wouldn't he put AMERICANS to work when it came to those buses?! 
They obviously had to be customized for security purposes.. 
The unemployment rate in this country is 9.1%!
And the economy sucks!  That money would have much better spent in the good 'ole US of A!!
Not my opinion.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I've Finally Found THE One!

I can't be the only one who is always on the hunt for the perfect pink nail polish. 
I like my nails to be short, filed square and polished with a light, pinky, sheer color.
(excuse the pic from my cell phone)
The color is OPI's I Pink I Love You.

And, yes. I do!

The Help

I jumped on The Help bandwagon a little late, but I am SO glad I did! 

It was the first book I bought on my fancy new iPad and after a couple hours I started to feel guilty for monopolizing the new family toy.  But, I just couldn't put it down!  I was sucked in from the very first page.
I finished it about a month ago and anxiously awaited the movie.

I was worried about the movie because the book was so good.  And, as we all know, the movie never lives up.  Then, when I started seeing ads for the movie I thought that there was no way that it could capture the emotion that the book evoked.  The commericials seemed light and airy when the book was heavy and serious.
Being the lucky girl that I am, The Mr. suggested that we make a date night out of it and have dinner then see The Help.  Honestly, I loved it! (so did he!)  The book captured the emotion perfectly. 
And when Aibileen tells Mae Mobley "You are kind, you are smart, you are important." the tears just came.
(I'm a crier, so that comes as no surprise!)
The Help is definitely a new favorite of mine!